vicious babies on the loose

October 05, 2005

Gap toothed

Alexis's other front incisor fell out in school today, during recess apparently. She says Rachel Heng went to her help. There was a little blood but she didn't cry.

That tooth, like the other one, had cavities on both sides of it! Tiny round holes, bored by bacteria into the enamel. Egads.

Anyway, I duly put $2 under the pillow as instructed. When the first incisor fell out last week, Jonathan asked if I would do it, as Alexis had made him swear not to. I think she wanted to prove there was no such thing as a tooth fairy. The next day, Isabel asked if I had put the money there. How do you know it wasn't the tooth fairy, I asked, thinking that my second child also had become wise to the world, like her older sister.

Tsk, replied Isabel. Of course it was YOU. The tooth fairy only comes for FIRST TEETH.

Hahahaha... I'm glad to know that we still have one child who believes in fairies and santa claus and whatnot.

Anyway, I am getting used to Alexis's gap-toothed grin, an echo of her adorable toothless baby smile.